Can that really be counted as a high?? Honestly. There is promise of snow and highs of -3 for the weekend. Oh boy! On the upside of that, I know some folks who have rented a house for the winter in nearby Bresnevica, a ski resort. I think I might actually attempt strapping a piece of fiberglass (or two) on my feet and learning how to do it right this year. With lift ticket prices at 15 euros, who could resist??
The weekend promises to be a good time, with two big Christmas parties, which I must go get ready for now. I'm in the process of planning a big Christmas party for disadvantatged kids with Santa, arts and crafts, and some Christmas carrol learning (have to throw the English lesson part in there somewhere...) and singing. Travis is going to play guitar, we're going to have a naked Christmas tree and the kids can make ornaments to hang on it, amongst some other activities - including a visit from Santa. IF I can find a Santa suit. Having some issues there. I have some connections with the National Theater, and I went to talk to the guy today about loaning me his Santa suit. As soon as he heard Amercian and American center, he wanted 100 Euros for 2 hours. Gee, thanks for the spirit of giving. I have a budget of about 200 Euros total to pull this off, so I guess Santa will have to be forgone. Dammit. I guess the promise of little gifts under the Christmas tree will be good enough. If things go as planned, one of the local NGO's that works with minority groups will be brining in a busload of Roma, Serbian and Albanian children under the age of 10 - about 50 of them... Lord help me! I am going to ask my students to volunteer to man the crafts tables.. Wish me luck!!
Ok, I really do have to go get ready now. I'm guest bartending at the Ultimate Frisbee Christmas party tonight. Now there's something right up my alley!
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