The problem is, I'm bored. I have no car. I know no one. Everyone is at work or at school. I am a prisoner in my mother's home. My only entertainment is a very small ankle/toe biting rat of a puppy (that I do totally adore, in spite of my injuries) or my brother's Playstation II. I'll admit it, I have a propensity for getting sucked into stupid video games. I think it's in the blood somehow. My mom can play for hours and hours on end, regardless of how long my sibilngs whine at her to let them have a turn. I am bound and determined to not fall into that trap this time.
The awfully sweet side of the toe-biting monster
So today, I was proactive. I got up and ran three miles, and then got sucked into riding a bicycle 5 miles with my brother. So now I feel
entitled to spend the rest of the afternoon with the Playstation controller attached to my hand. That's reasonable, right?? I've earned it. Yeah... right... oh well. I am, after all, a lazy cow. Moo.
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